Nurses Corner
- Stay home when sick and avoid contact with other people unless you need medical attention.
- Follow the advice from CDC on what to do if you think you may be sick.
- Follow common-sense steps such as washing your hands often and well; covering your coughs and sneezes; and cleaning and disinfecting.
- Nursing homes and other healthcare facilities should closely follow guidelines for infection control and prevention.
- As much as possible, assisted living facilities should follow the same infection control and prevention practices as nursing homes.
- Older people and those with health conditions that mean they have a higher chance of getting seriously ill should avoid crowds or close-contact situations.
- Follow current social distancing guidelines.
COVID-19 and Children
Preparing Your Home for COVID-19
Symptoms & Testing
Wyoming COVID-19 Call Line
Wyoming 2-1-1 and the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) are partnering to provide a public telephone helpline for COVID-19 questions and information.
Wyoming 2-1-1 and the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH) are partnering to provide a public telephone helpline for COVID-19 questions and information.
Wyoming 2-1-1 is a statewide helpline that provides free, confidential information and referrals to health and human services. By dialing 2-1-1 from anywhere in the state of Wyoming, people are linked to information about COVID-19 as well as local resources, from both government and nonprofit agencies.
2-1-1 is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Service is available statewide by dialing 2-1-1 or 888-425-7138 during normal business hours. Callers requesting information outside standard business hours may leave a voicemail message and will receive a follow-up call the next business day.
Wyoming 2-1-1 also connects callers to other health and human services in their community. Many of these resources may also be needed by Wyoming residents at this time.
CDC COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions:
Wyoming Department of Health COVID-19 website:
Questions can also be emailed to [email protected].